I help former athletes increase strength and function from the ground up

Barefoot Functional Fitness in Santa Ana, CA

  • Enhance your performance longevity

  • Increase your functional strength

  • Lower your injury risk and pain

What if you could age backward?

A lot of people say “I can’t move like I did in my 20’s”, but what if how you moved in your 20’s wasn’t optimal or conducive to your performance?

I've helped many clients improve function and performance longevity, while decreasing their pain and getting past nagging injuries they never thought was possible.

The secret is in movement integrity and training your three adaptable systems: your nervous system, muscular system, and fascial system.

And all of this starts at the ground--at your feet!

Foot function and integration are sorely overlooked in fitness and a huge missing piece for people struggling with nagging pains and injuries.

Don't let poor foot function and integration get in the way of your progress and performance

Stop allowing the fear of injuries to hold you back

Don't let limiting beliefs hinder your performance longevity and ability to be a lifelong athlete

Breakthrough plateaus, crush PR's & feel good doing it with our unique program design

Functional Strength and Endurance: increase muscle mass and cardiovascular endurance with an emphasis on your sport or activity to optimize performance longevity

Ground Up Mobility: maintain proper joint function, decrease risk of injury, and reinforce proper movement patterns from the group up to function at a high level

Recovery: fast track your hard work with proper recovery routines and tools

Anabolic Nutrition: ensure your diet is optimized for performance longevity and maintaining/working toward your desired physique and maintaining muscle mass with age

Supplementation: personalized recommendations to enhance performance and support your physique goals

Embrace your natural strong feet, knowing movement integrity starts at the ground and strength is the ultimate injury prevention

Experience freedom from fear of injuries and more confidence in your abilities and resilience

Train and play with less pain, hit PR's, and move like a young athlete again

Experience lifelong athleticism with the

Foundations of Performance Longevity


Book your free call

Claim your free discovery call with Coach Heidi today


Sign up for the Foundations of Performance Longevity

Start your journey with our unique systematized approach to training


Explode your progress

Experience the benefits of barefoot functional training and lifelong athleticism!

About Heidi van Mastrigt and Barefoot Performance

Hi I'm Heidi van Mastrigt, or better known as THATBAREFOOTCOACH. That's me in the picture.

I'm the CEO and Head Coach of Barefoot Performance.

I specialize in barefoot functional strength training and have helped athletes, former athletes, and weekend warriors reclaim their natural strong feet, get out of pain, and explode their progress in and out of the gym.

I've been training people for over 12 years and in that time I've helped transform thousands of lives.

I don't want you to just read about it though, I want you to experience it for yourself.

That's why I'm offering you a FREE discovery call.

All you have to do is click the button below to claim it!

Heidi van Mastrigt

Barefoot Performance Location

Orange County, CA, USA

What clients say about us

Frequently Asked Question

How much are your training programs?

The cost depends on a variety of factors such as your personal goals, budget, and commitment length.

Can you help me fix my bunions?

Addressing bunions is a big issue that we tackle in long term coaching. It is important to note that the severity, length of time you've had them, and willingness to commit to natural footwear and consistent training play the biggest role in addressing and reversing bunions. It is a long term commitment, requires lifestyle changes and not all bunions are reversible.

Do you offer in person training?

At this time, all programs are offered online. Virtual sessions are available as an add on to long term online training.

Do you only train feet?

Of course not! Foot function is just the start. At Barefoot Performance, it's all about the kinetic chain and getting your three adaptable systems (muscular, fascial, and nervous systems) functioning cohesively. You can check out my reviews for first hand experience working with me.

Do I have to train barefoot?

Training barefoot is the best and quickest way to your goals. If you are unable to train barefoot due to gym rules, I recommend purchasing Vibram Five Fingers for functional training or another brand on my Shoe Recommendation List. You get more information on this topic in the program.

Should I be running in natural footwear?

It depends on your history, running experience, and foot function. This is addressed in your personal program. I do not recommend running in natural footwear if you have never done so before as it takes time to acclimate, but specifics need to be discussed with your coach after an assessment.

What if I don't have foot issues but still want to work with you?

You don't need to have foot issues to work with Coach Heidi! Regardless of previous injuries or issues, all assessments are done barefoot and from the ground up. Training barefoot and addressing your footwear in and out of the gym is important for everyone.

Experience lifelong athleticism with the

Foundations of Performance Longevity

Elevating performance longevity through movement integrity from the ground up

Contact Us

Santa Ana CA 92707

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